Current Issue

Vol. 20 No. 2 (2021)
					View Vol. 20 No. 2 (2021)
Published: 2022-08-29


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Nepal Journal of Science and Technology (NJST) is a peer reviewed open access journal that aims to serve as a forum for scholarly and professional communication among scientists, policy makers and general people. NJST publishes papers from the broad academic disciplines of science and technology. Preference will be given to multidisciplinary research that has national and global scope. Manuscripts submitted to this journal must not have been published or accepted for publication, or be under consideration elsewhere.

The journal includes all major subject areas of S &T. The major areas include but not limited to physical and mathematical sciences (e.g., chemistry, engineering, and physics) and biological sciences (e.g., biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology, ecology). 

Papers covering social sciences will be considered for publication provided that they have strong elements of basic and applied sciences as mentioned above. 

In addition to standard research papers, NJST publishes Reviews that offer a detailed and up-to-date discussion. NJST also publishes Short Communication that provides important research findings. Perspective articles provide a platform for authors to present their personal views on the direction of applied research that has broader policy implications.